Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dva of the lonely of traveller.

John fer'es and small girl, who divided his fate as the foster daughter, passed with mormonami to the end of their difficult wanderings. Small Of lyusi conveniently travelled in the vehicle Of stendzhersona, where together with it were placed three wives of mormona and its son, brisk, wilful boy of twelve years. Children's soul possesses elasticity, and Lyusi rapidly she were set right from the impact, caused by death of mother; soon it became the favorite of women and privykla to the new life on the wheels under the canvas roof. But Fer'e, after getting stronger after adversities, proved to be by useful conductor and untiring hunter. It rapidly conquered the respect for mormonov, and, after reaching finally the earth obetovannoy, they unanimously solved, what it deserves the same large and fertile section all other settlers all other earth, it goes without saying, with exception of Young and four main elders Stendzhersona, Kembolla, Johnston and Drebbera, which were on the special position.
Na its section To fer'e placed high-quality timbered felling, and during the subsequent years additions made to it, and finally its dwelling became spacious out-of-town house. Fer'e possessed practical sharpness, any matter succeeded in its adroit hands, and iron health made possible for it to work on its earth from the dawn to the dawn; therefore dispatch the matters at the farm excellently. In three years it became more prosperous than all its neighbors, in six years he was well-off person, through nine by rich person, while in twelve years in Solt- leucSiti would not be located even ten people, who could be equaled with it. From Solt- leucSiti to the distant ridge Of uosatch not it was name more known than John fer'e's name.

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